A variety of materials can be used for CNC routing. These include aluminum, carbon steel, brass, acrylic, and wood. While you can use wood to make your creation, you probably shouldn’t just pick any old piece of wood lying in the corner. Some are better suited to the job than others. Here is what you need to know about choosing the best type of wood for CNC projects. 

What Type of Wood is Best for CNC Projects?

You’ll encounter three main categories of wood for woodworking projects: hardwood, softwood, and engineered wood. You can discard engineered wood, like particle board, as an option for CNC projects because it is likely to disintegrate when machined. That said, here is what you need to know about the other two types of wood for CNC woodworking:


Hardwood comes from “harder,” more durable trees than softwood. It is an ideal choice if your CNC project involves forming intricate cuts and small details. These are long-lasting, high-quality materials. But they can also be hard on CNC machinery because they are harder to cut. Some examples of hardwood include:

  • Ash — A light-colored, heavy hardwood with lots of rings. 
  • Beech — A strong, stiff, hardwood with small pores that is shock-resistant.
  • Birch — A light-colored stiff hardwood with a wavy grain. 
  • Cherry — A light reddish-brown hardwood that is resistant to wrapping and strong.
  • Mahogany — A beautiful reddish-brown wood that is ideal for engraving. 
  • Maple — A long-lasting hardwood with even grain and pores. 
  • Oak — A visually-appealing hardwood that is heavy. 
  • Walnut — Another durable, strong hardwood with a straight grain.


If you are on a budget or want something that is easier to mill, you may wish to choose a softwood for your CNC project. There are many options, and some softwoods can be nearly as “hard” as hardwoods:

  • Cedar — The most used wood for CNC projects, this wood has a nice reddish-brown color. Some wood can have a lot of knots, though. 
  • Cypress — This wood also has knots and is not as strong as cedar. 
  • Pine — A lighter color and weight wood, pine offers shrink resistance. 
  • Fir — This wood is somewhat easy to work with and has an even pattern. 
  • Spruce — This is a “harder” softwood, but it is not resistant to decay. 
  • Redwood — This softwood is known for its reddish shade and is resistant to decay. 

Get Help Choosing the Right Wood for CNC Projects

If you have an idea in your head or even a design for a prototype you’d like to create, Components by Design Inc. wants to be your trusted partner. We offer a complete range of CNC routing services that can bring your idea to life and add value to it. 

We have over 15 years of experience with CAD/CAM software and CNC routers. We are experienced in using all types of materials, including wood. Our specialists can help you choose the best type of wood for your CNC project so you get the results you need. Contact us today for more information.