One of the first steps to designing a part is to figure out what material you will use. There are a variety of machinable materials you can choose with CNC routing to create prototypes and customized solutions. Two popular materials for CNC machining are acrylic and plastic. Here is what you need to know about choosing acrylic vs. plastic for your next project. 

Acrylic vs. Plastic – What’s the Difference?

Even though acrylic and plastic are both in the polymer family, there is a difference between the two materials. Acrylic is a type of thermoplastic that is a mix of polymer and monomer. It is petroleum-based and known as a polyacrylate. 

Plastic is just a generic term for a larger family of semi-synthetic and synthetic materials. It’s a polycarbonate that is also suitable to CNC machining. 

Acrylic for Your CNC Machining Project

Acrylic can easily be used in CNC machining, provided you choose the right type of material. Specifically, cast acrylic works better than extruded acrylic because it has more rigidity. 

Acrylics require a specialized bit to achieve a smooth cut. There should also be a steady cut rate because a high cut-rate can produce heat, which can melt the material. 

Plastic for your CNC Machining Project

Plastic or polycarbonate can be an ideal material for a CNC project due to its impact-resistant abilities and incredible toughness. But the cutting tool used must be sharp enough to create a smooth result. If the heat is too excessive, polycarbonate sheets can melt during the process. 

Acrylic vs. Plastic for CNC Projects

If you are weighing your options between these two materials for your next CNC project, here are a few factors to consider:

  • Ease of Use — Both materials are machinable. But plastic is easier to handle in CNC processes than acrylic. It is more tolerant to heat and has greater durability than acrylic. 
  • Crack and Scratch — Plastic can get more scratches on it while machining but isn’t likely to break. Acrylic isn’t prone to getting scratches but is more likely to break during machining. 
  • Applications — Acrylic is used extensively in the aerospace and automotive industries. Plastic is widely used in agricultural, automotive, medical, technology, military, and construction applications. 
  • Cost — In general, plastic is more expensive than acrylic. But there are different types of plastic you can choose, and waste is another consideration for your project. 

Choosing the Right Materials for Your CNC Project

Either acrylic or plastic can be used for CNC projects. CNC by Design uses cutting-edge processes and technology to bring your vision to life with incredible precision. If you aren’t sure which material will work best for your project, we can help guide your choices. Contact us today to learn more.