CBD’s Latest News & Info

4 Tips for Getting a Patent for Your Project

4 Tips for Getting a Patent for Your Project

If you’ve come up with an ingenious invention or novel idea that you want to protect, you’ll need to file for a patent. While some intellectual property rights attorneys can do the legwork for you, the process is meant to be straightforward enough that inventors can...

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8 Mistakes to Avoid When Using a CNC Machine

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Using a CNC Machine

When used correctly, CNC machines are productive, safe, and flexible. But a mishandled or misused machine won’t produce the desired results and can even be dangerous. There’s a steep learning curve for CNC machining, so anyone interested in this area could use plenty...

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7 Pros of Hiring a Manufacturing Contractor

7 Pros of Hiring a Manufacturing Contractor

Many businesses and entrepreneurs dread dealing with the manufacturing process. This can be stressful and confusing whether you are trying to create a prototype, put together a short run manufacturing deal, or set something up for the long haul. But you don’t have to...

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5 Businesses That Need CNC Custom Machining

5 Businesses That Need CNC Custom Machining

Computer numerical control (CNC) custom machining creates a variety of intricate parts for many different businesses and industries. While mass production works in some industries, other applications call for custom parts. Here are five types of businesses that rely...

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What Are the Best Metal Types for CNC Machining?

What Are the Best Metal Types for CNC Machining?

CNC machining can use a wide range of materials to create on-demand and custom products. Metal is a popular material for this process. But you have several options. Depending on the metal you choose, different cutting tools and techniques must be employed. Also, the...

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How Manufacturing is Changing to Improve the Supply Chain

How Manufacturing is Changing to Improve the Supply Chain

The manufacturing industry and global supply chain have experienced significant disruptions in recent years. Primarily kicked off by the global COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains continue to suffer due to rising energy costs, labor and material shortages, and inflation...

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3 Reasons to Use CNC Machining for Acrylic Products

3 Reasons to Use CNC Machining for Acrylic Products

Acrylic is one of the most commonly used materials in CNC machining. Many industries make use of acrylic parts because they are durable, lightweight, versatile, and easy to clean. Here is what you need to know about acrylic and some of the reasons it’s a good idea to...

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4 Financial Benefits of Outsourcing CNC Services

4 Financial Benefits of Outsourcing CNC Services

CNC machining has quickly become a vital invention for all production industries and manufacturers worldwide. Computer Numerical Code has removed human input from much of the process, which significantly improves efficiency and accuracy. There are even options for...

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CNC Machining in Architecture

CNC Machining in Architecture

CNC machining has made it simple for companies to create quality, accurate products for a variety of applications. First developed in the 1950s, these processes started gaining prominence in the world of architecture in the 1990s. Here is how you can incorporate CNC...

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