If you work in the medical industry in any capacity, you know that it demands precision. This makes perfect sense considering lives are at stake if a single mistake is made. For this reason alone, it’s no surprise that CNC technology is a popular choice when it comes to machining medical equipment and devices. 

CNC Technology for Medical Equipment

An incredible variety of medical products are created by CNC machining specialists. CNC technology and practices are responsible for making everything from simple medical tools to items used in complex surgical procedures. 

No matter the product, the process of creating these items is quite similar. The machinist will begin with a block of material and will reduce that material using CNC machining and precise programming until the finished item is revealed. 

Some common medical items created using CNC machining include:

Dentistry Equipment

When patients need implants, modern dentist offices are now turning to CAD/CAM processes and CNC machining to get the job done as quickly and precisely as possible. This type of product often takes place outside the dentist’s office using a 3D image of the patient’s needs from the dentist. 


A cannula is a thin tube inserted into the body or vein used to insert a surgical instrument or drain fluid. These sound straightforward enough, but the devices come in all shapes and sizes and must be made to incredibly precise specifications to ensure safety and accuracy. This is why they are increasingly made using CNC machining. 

Prosthetic Hip Implants

Hip replacement surgeries have become quite common. A surgeon will go in and replace a “worn” joint with a synthetic one that is custom-fit for the patient. These can be made through CNC machining using aluminum, stainless steel, titanium alloys, and other non-metal materials. 

Bone Plates

Bone plates are meant to “fix” a broken bone and hold it into position while it heals. Most of these plates are now crated from titanium using CNC machining processes. 

Materials for Medical CNC Machining

When it comes to fabricating materials for the medical industry, there are a variety of possibilities. Depending on your needs and application, some of the different materials most commonly used in this sector include: 

  • Stainless steel – Both AISI 304 and AISI 316 are commonly found in this industry. 304 is the most used due to its versatility with machining. 316, however, has more acidic resistance.
  • Titanium – You’ll commonly find both grades 2 and 5 titanium in the medical sector. These materials deliver a great strength to weight ratio, which is a common requirement for medical needs. 
  • Aluminum – Aluminum is commonly used for hospital tools and prosthetics. It offers excellent thermal conductivity, and it’s a lightweight material. 

Get Help With Your Medical CNC Project

If you are considering different options for your medical project, CNC technology is the right choice. But it’s not as simple as buying the equipment and hitting the “start” button. These are state-of-the-art machines that require knowledge and skills for precise operation. 

Components By Design, Inc. offers clients a complete range of CNC routing services. Our specialists have over 15 years of experience with CAD/CAM software and CNC routers to help you transform your medical project into a working solution. 

Contact us today for more information about our services.