Consumers expect to purchase and use items that will be safe and perform as expected. They assume that products have been engineered correctly and undergone quality assurance testing. If there are problems, companies in the U.S. could face legal liability when a product causes injuries. So it’s certainly in your best interests to ensure the safety and quality of your products. Here’s what you need to know about manufacturing defects. 

What Is a Manufacturing Defect?

A manufacturing defect generally happens when something goes wrong during the manufacturing process. These can be widespread due to a problem with the machinery or only affect a small number of products. Unfortunately, it only takes one defect to make a customer dissatisfied or, worse, cause a serious injury or death. 

Common Examples of Manufacturing Defects

There are many different types of manufacturing defects. But the following are some of the most common:

  • Incorrect assembly or installation — A common cause of manufacturing defects is the incorrect assembly of items within the plant by workers or machinery. 
  • Missing components — If an important part or component is missing, it can lead to serious product defects. 
  • Improperly calibrated or programmed machinery — Manufacturing machinery must be properly maintained and calibrated to produce quality parts and products. 
  • Issues with parts quality — Using substandard materials in manufacturing can lead to poor quality and dangerous products. 

How to Avoid Defects in Manufacturing With Your Products

Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure the products they create are free from defects and perform as expected. Here are several ways you can avoid these defects with your products. 

1. Begin With a Strong Design

Every high-quality product begins with a strong design. Your team of engineers can use a variety of strategies to help you limit manufacturing defects. Being proactive at the start of the process will save your business stress and money in the long run. 

2. Follow Up With a Prototype

Once you have what you think is a strong design, resist the urge to go straight to manufacturing. Instead, create a prototype of your design. This can help you identify additional weaknesses that will make your product even better and less susceptible to problems. 

3. Work With the Right Manufacturer

Working with the right manufacturer is one of the keys to reducing or eliminating manufacturing defects. Shopping by cost alone could end up being more expensive in the long run. Find a partner that will deliver a top-notch experience from start to finish. 

4. Have QC Measures in Place

Make sure you have easy-to-understand quality control standards and policies in place. This applies to everything from outsourcing different aspects of your business to the manufacturing process itself. When quality becomes one of your business’s core values, you’ll experience better results. 

Avoid Manufacturing Defects by Hiring an Experienced Manufacturer

If you’re in the Charlotte area and want to avoid manufacturing defects, it’s important to partner with a knowledgeable and experienced manufacturing contractor. At Components by Design, our team has over 20 years of experience working with CNC solutions and CAD/CAM technology. Contact us today to learn more about how we can make your vision a reality.